Thursday, February 26, 2009

GOOD journal  is a a website made by a individuals, business, and nonprofit organizations that want to push the world forward by creating magazines, videos , and events. After searching through their website I noticed that the content contained political, environment ,  and random news issues. Some of them were funny and some of them were serious. In some of type and image videos, depending on the message they wanted to communicate, they both worked well with each other. I noticed some were a little simpler than others depending on how busy the image was. I enjoyed watching the ones about the war and campaigns because they took each phrase, broke it up, and  explained everything pretty well with a picture to accompany. I liked how they had text transition on index cards or notepads instead of just having them blink across the screen. I also like how they really payed attention to the style of the text when they wanted to personalize Obama's and McCain's handwriting in one of their videos. Its little details like that , that can draw the viewer in and really show personality, attitude, and style.

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