Jonathan Hoefler
- Born 1971
- typeface designer and an armchair type historian who specializes in the design of original typefaces
- 1989 Founded Hoefler & Frere-Jones, a type foundry in New York, which he shares with Tobias Frere Jones.
- Hoefler is the President of the company
- typeface designs for Rolling Stone, Harper's Bazaar, The New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and Esquire
- created the Hoefler Text family of typefaces, designed for Apple Computer and now appearing everywhere as part of the Macintosh operating system
- his work has been exhibited internationally, and is included in the permanent collection of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum (Smithsonian Institution) in New York
- In 2002 The Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI) presented Hoefler with its most prestigious award, the Prix Charles Peignot for oustanding contributions to type design. Hoefler and Frere-Jones' collaboration has earned them profiles in The New York Times, Time, and Esquire.
"Hoefler and Frere-Jones create fonts that stand out with the clarity, elegance, and durability of a well-cut diamond.... An H&FJ typeface is always exquisitely legible without sacrificing high style." — Time Magazine
- Very involved with historical revivals with his Typography
- Interested in late 19th century and 20th century, the Bahaus and Morris Fuller Benton
- HTF Acropolis, HTF Champion Gothic, HTF Didot, English Textura, Fell Type, HTF Fetish, HTF Gestalt, Great Primer Uncials, HTF Hoefler Text, HTF Leviathan, HTF Requiem, HTF Saracen, St Augustin Civilité, HTF Ziggurat
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